Headlines for December 2018

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A news account of the major national headlines that happened in December 2018.

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Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
In December, the capital murder conviction was overturned for Amarillo Dr Thomas Michael Dixon. He was found guilty of hiring a man to kill Dr Joseph Sonnier, who was dating his ex girlfriend. Dixon was serving a life sentence after prosecutors said he paid David Shepherd to shoot and stab. Sonya Dixon will likely be granted a new trial because of evidence obtained without a warrant. The teen, who killed two women while shooting up a New Mexico library last year, will now be sentenced as an adult. 17 year old Nathaniel Jewish pleaded guilty to 30 felony charges as sentencing hearing is scheduled for February. He faces up to two life sentences plus 96 years. Love, a guide spoke up to 10 inches of snow, a sparkling white blanket draped over the city on a Saturday morning. Over a 60 hour period, Lovett police reported total of 183 wrecks. The day set a record for the six biggest snowfall in the area 17 days before Christmas