Keagan Kang Voiceover Demo Reel

Profile photo for Keagan Kang
Not Yet Rated


Able to do a variety of voices for characters aged young adult - senior males, and unidentified ages like aliens etc. Extremely comfortable with commercial, explainer and corporate styles to various paces/speeds. Being a veteran actor, it lends experience to narrating audiobooks, and exploring characters.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Australian North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
being fashionable means taking a risk. But buying online with Visa means you don't have to. He's a secure network. Checks every online transaction you can pay with confidence, visa. Everywhere you want to pay, you're not invisible. How could you be looking A thumbprint? Yeah, feet, the way you think. Feel smooth smell. There's no one like you to be yourself. Everyone else has already taken Frank by OCBC. The best part of technology is that it gives you control ID like dynamic cornering. Assist in the new C Class. If two roads lie before you pick the one that smells like adventure one that makes you new friends pick one that scares you a little bit. One that's got a bit of you. Maybe don't pick the one that gets you in trouble. But don't worry. You'll figure your way out, one that you've never been down before, one that's kind of challenging. Actually, pick one that you're going to post 1000 pictures and videos about pick one that makes you stay up all night under the stars. Just talking because when it comes down to it, life is made up of a series of choices. Any of which could change the course of your life forever. So the most important choice we can make is to follow our passion every single time. No, maybe latest. No, it's impossible because this isn't a game and you only get one try. Life is a journey. Life is your J. So you decide Where will you go way with?