Good Samaritan Adult living

Profile photo for Kelly Stevens
Not Yet Rated
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Conversational, caring, concerned and uplifting

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Did you see your parents over the weekend? I'm sure you worry about them. Sometimes you have a lot of respect for their independence. But still you're concerned at times when the phone rings wondering, should I have checked again? It's a tough spot to be in. I've got something for you to consider a great idea where Mom or Dad can be safe and secure and live in a place they would love with no worries but with the personal freedom they look for. Ah, place with 24 hour support, three delicious home cooked meals, medication assistance, housekeeping and fun activities with an all inclusive daily rate. It's the Good Samaritan adult home in Delmar. It's not a nursing home, but there is a skilled nursing facility offering long term Karen short term rehabilitation service right there on the same campus. The Good Samaritan in Delmar is a comfortable, affordable home where your parents can live with all the independence they want and all the support they need. Contact Jennifer Travis for a tour at 577 81 33. It's worth the conversation and the visit. Call Jennifer today 577 81 33