Kelvin Jones Ad/Commercial Voiceover (English)

Profile photo for Kelvin Jones Jr
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


This demo was recorded as the final session of a Voiceover intensive that I attended. I worked directly with the engineers to try differing vocal inflections and cadences before landing on the final version uploaded

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (US General American - GenAM) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I love watching cartoons. I used to keep that a secret. But thanks to the Tune channel, cartoons are cool. Again, you know, back when I was in college, they called me the animal because I was the biggest and baddest guy on the team. I had the appetite of an animal. Too boldly go where only crazed science fiction fans have gone before? Think you have the best impersonation of a starship captain. Then cope and engage your competition. Happy hours is coming to your neighborhood. It's a brand new idea in family entertainment. Come to happy hours, the restaurant for parents and kids. There's nothing I love more than watching my dog running in the park every week. It's just him and me and a tennis ball. It wasn't just me. We all noticed it. Amy just wasn't acting like herself. Finally she got the help she needed. Can't get past level one tired of puzzle games that are smarter than you are. Get the games you love at gamers haven dot com. I'm Kelvin Jones. Thank you for listening.