Iowa Guy

Profile photo for Ken Auge
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I'm a radio guy who has also worked in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illinois. I've been a morning host in Des Moines since 1999. I've voiced for all kinds of organizations and businesses including The Greater Des Moines YMCA, Wells Fargo and Barnes and Noble.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
fall is back to school, time for kids and back to fit this time at the why the Greater Des Moines Y M. C. A. Offers the equipment, classes and expertise you're looking for. You're starting to hear the roar of motorcycle engines all around you. If you ride, it's the most exciting time of your year. This year you could be enjoying the glories of the road on a brand new Indian motorcycle like the Chieftain Rolling Testament to American ingenuity made by your fellow Iowans in Spirit Lake Fender Cycle in Des Moines is proud to carry this American classic. If you're looking, what would happen if you lost your job or couldn't work because you were too sick or injured? Sadly, most people couldn't pay this month's bills. I hope it never happens to you, but there is an option that gives you safety and security, just in case it's called safety Net safety. Net is insurance that protects you if your paycheck stops. Icon Labs is leading that revolution. We are bringing firewall technology and secure access to embedded devices. Contact us today to learn how we can ensure that your device is protected from Internet based attacks. Thousands of unique and counterculture items, everything for your alternative lifestyle, things you can't find anywhere else. Liberty Gifts East University, East Village and now on the backside of Governor Square Shopping Center, across from Ohana and TJ Maxx in West Des Moines.