2:00 Grumpy. Nervous. Shady. Mobster. Russian.



A granny, a grumpy old man, a nervous stutterer, a pirate, a Brit, a shady southern car dealer, a hit man, a Hank Hill clone, and a crazy Russian.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Indian (General) North American (General) Russian


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Let's begin our session today by taking a deep cleansing breath. It's timeto hoping up and she I'm and Winstanley and I hate everything, especially kids doe missions, viol saying screwdrivers I'm Stephen and stutter when I get nervous and I get nervous. When? When? When? When I breathe You fainted on my favorite late guest, stuttering full after the depths with you. Hello. My name is Thurston Corn. Swallow the side and I have found my true love. She's extremely eloquent, has fantastic taste and she's a cement mixer. Hi, everybody. I'm skater. I've been here for a few minutes now. We've been talking about everything except what we came here to talk about. Yeah, my name is Tony Lasagna and I got an addiction to Shakespeare. Believe it or not, to be or not to be, that really is the question. So nice to see you. My name's Floyd and I like to shoot things, have a problem with gas. And when I have gas, I like to shoot things more than normal, which is quite a bit. Oh, no. I am very study. This is obviously the wrong room. Unless any of you are proctologist or fortune tellers went to start to find catch up on. They could find cats up. What? These cats up? Oh, only in America. Hi, I'm Ken Bloomberg. Thank you for listening.