Chicken Little, The Sky Isn't Falling

Profile photo for Kerin McCurdy
Not Yet Rated


This was an audiobook that I did for Tantor and I am very pleased with how it turned out.

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North American (General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
introduction. I wrote this book because so many of my clients and friends asked me for a comprehensive guide to parenting. A teenager in the stressful time when anxiety, depression and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. A. D. H. D. Are on the rise. Even if you do everything right and you and your family have a warm and loving relationship. Many aspects of an adolescent's daily life are stressful enough to tip the balance from health to distress the world your Children live in is more complicated, more intense, more pressured academically and socially and filled with more choices and pitfalls than the one in which you may have grown up. We give our Children the gift of resilience to the stress of navigating the shoals of adolescence by loving them, accepting them, listening to them and most importantly, understanding them, It is the understanding that makes the difference between a child who feels supported vs one who feels alone. I hope this book helps you to understand your adolescent child better. You may be tempted to listen to only parts of this book and skip the chapters you feel do not apply to your family in my practice and in the schools I consult for many of these issues are universal and have touched many families. I know to varying degrees. You may say my child will never have an addiction or my child doesn't have an eating disorder. I encourage you to listen to the entire book even though it may not apply to you now or ever. And even if some of the chapters make you feel uncomfortable. Your child may not have a technology addiction, but they may struggle with regulating technology. Your child may not have an eating disorder but may be preoccupied by body image. Your child may not suffer from depression or anxiety at the moment, but they are vulnerable as are all Children, to mental health issues. We know that having mental health challenges is not uncommon. Many adolescents will experience mental health challenges at some point and as a parent, you want to be prepared to know how to support them. Knowledge is power and that power is critical to helping your child get through the challenges, losses and traumas of adolescence. As a parent, you have the power to influence, educate and impact your child's emotional health well into their young adult years by using this book as your guide, I am certain you can be a beacon of hope, change and mental health for your child.