Kerr Lordygan voiceover demo reel

Video Narration


A commercial voiceover demo reel that features some animation and a bit of a Dublin accent.

Vocal Characteristics




Irish (Eastern- Leinster, Dublin) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What if you were returning from camping one day and noticed that there was a wolf sleeping in your back seat? It could happen. And if it did, you would definitely want a roomy interior, lush leather seats and, in general, the smoothest, most luxurious ride possible to keep that wolf from waking up and eating you. But remember, don't turn up the stereo. That would ruin everything. See if this rings a bell. You're sitting in the office when the dragon lady hands you a piece of paper and says 50 copies 44% reduction on my desk ASAP and you suddenly find yourself in a panic. The next thing you know, you're standing over the copy machine. Sure enough, the second you hit the button, the machine lights up like a Christmas tree toe, let you know it's gonna be another one of those days. Now, the way I see it, you got a couple of choices. You could get someone to bump off the Dragon lady, or you could get it to Sheba copier to make your life a bit easier. I'm here on campus at one of the stud liest fraternity houses where four neat guys have just ordered a 16 inch Domino's extravaganza. We're here today to see if, in fact this pizza does arrive hot. Oh, here comes the car. Now she's running up with the hot bag. The pizza comes out and these four neat guys quickly drop back for their first bite. Let's listen in hot. Oh, proof positive. Ladies and gentlemen, that Domino's always arrives hot. So pick up the phone and call now. But remember, blow on that first bite. So you think maybe after work, we could have a cup of coffee? A cup of coffee? Yeah, you and I. Yeah. I didn't even know you liked me. Well, I don't not like you. Well, I don't not like you either. Well, you see, that's great, but you don't even know me. Hey, what do you think people sit around drinking coffee for? Not because they're thirsty. Believe me, it's a way to get to know someone. You don't even have to drink the coffee. You could just sit there holding it. E guess I could go for a cappuccino. Cappuccino? Oh, Whoa. Let's see how it goes with the coffee first, maybe next week. Cappuccino. Some people are content to be entertained by simple one color electron ICS. Somehow these people have just never heard of game gear multicolored portable from Sega with its tons of new titles. Yeah, some people are like that. But then some people like to eat pickled pork lips to say it was golden flakes of carne encrusted with honey nuts and brown sugar. And it was called Kellogg's Crunchy Nut Cornflakes. And it was also said that if you asked one of these men for a bowl of this irresistible concoction, he would stare into your very eyes and he would say, No. Kellogg's crunchy nut cornflakes. Trouble is, they taste too good.