Corporate - Believable, Articulate, Real Person, Conversational

Profile photo for Kevin Welch
Acheivement Badges Top Talent
Video Narration


Computer security, business community, nutrition, shipping

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
as part of the Dell Technologies Infrastructure, portfolio, power store and power max combined storage innovation with advanced security that adheres to stringent government regulations and corporate compliance requirements. Security starts with multifactor authentication, enabling only authorized admins to access your system using assigned roles. Back comes ability to remain a reliable agile and innovative partner is boosted by rock solid foundations. We meticulously built up for over half a century. Clearly set ambitious goals are achieved by our constantly expanding team. A team that's always looking to improve and invent. Microalgae is a unique and sustainable source of health enhancing, bio active compounds which are essential to the survival of life on our planet. Microalgae is truly a promising ingredient. Solo Habia Algo Tech nutrition. Part of the Syllabi, a group is a microalgae powerhouse and the world's leading manufacturer of unique and natural active ingredients. I QA X's Focus. IOT Cold chain management cargo owner pack offers cargo shippers, an easy solution to track all containerized refrigerated cargo through one convenient platform. Cross border cold chain logistics are entirely visible and trackable at every step