Commercial Spots

Profile photo for Kris Green
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Radio Ad


This voice demonstration showcases different reads for radio and television commercials.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
get ready. This Saturday, Bud Light presents the biggest Crawfish Day party. Set the Head Day party at Capital Bar 24 15 Main Street. All you can Eat Crawfish and Shrimp by the famous chef Koyo D. J. Having high see Young streets and Jake, You Win the bigs. But my brings you the ultimate backstage experience at Magic. Under the Stars Saturday, October 24th at the Cynthia Ones Mitchell Pavilion Are you up for whatever already? Look out for me, K g smoothing my electrifying bud light blue blazer at magic under the stars, and you may be randomly selected, but only if you're up for whatever, ladies, is there some dysfunction with your lotus flower? Do you want your flower back looking like it just bloomed? This is cagey, smooth Dr. Thompson at Venus. Restorative health and wellness could make it happen. He offers the old shot hormone replacement and rejuvenation. Hey, it's cagey, Smooth for hotel tonight. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you need to book a hotel room, a sap, download the hotel tonight app. You can book a Rome and 10 seconds right now for a limited time when you switch to MetroPCS, you get a free four g lt Smartphone sales sex Not included with the recent events of this week of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile and the Dallas Police shooting. The people stationed Magic one or 2.1 understands that we are all emotional right now, but we want to encourage you to stay strong, pray and keep the faith. Violence is not looking for the perfect place to plan your destination. Wedding or honeymoon. The islands of the Bahamas are putting on an exclusive bright 11 on Sunday, March 20th from 1 to 4 p.m. At the Western Houston Memorial City Shops Soup March 25th anniversary sale and say unlike other stores every day, prices are low to celebrate their having a spectacular sale by one suit from select styles and get a second suit for $15. A Houston business journal ranks Damaris barbecue and catering as the third largest caterer in Houston. Find out what all the excitement is about and Damaris dot com and check out over 50 different catering menus. Yo, fellas, this is K G smooth, and if you've got problems with ingrown hairs, razor bumps or uneven skin. I've got the perfect product. That swag bar from Swag Essentials. I'm here with the owner, Livia Evans. You probably seen her on an episode of Shark Tank Lydia. What is the swag booth? Swag. Far is a natural three and one patented cleanser and use the promo co kg smooth for free shipping.