Cheerful story teller; Inhibiting a 30-40 years old vocal range

Profile photo for Kiki Dirkson
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Video Narration


Cheerful story teller; discussing the benefits of becoming a volunteer. Inhibiting a 30-40 years old vocal range. Compelling e-learning, conversational explainer videos.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Traditionally speaking, volunteering can be broadly defined. Is donating your time usually two or for a good cause. However, there are many ways you can volunteer so many. In fact, that it can be hard to choose how, when and what cost to volunteer your time to. In making that decision, you should follow these simple guidelines and answer the question What is volunteering to you first, decide which causes you care about choosing to volunteer for an organization or cause that you feel passionate about can increase the chances that you enjoy the opportunity. So take time to determine what you really care about before beginning a volunteer opportunity. Next, you'll want to identify the skills and knowledge you can offer, create a volunteer resume, determine how often you can volunteer, get all the relevant details for the volunteer position, complete any required training and begin with a limited commitment.