Voice Reel

Profile photo for Kimberly Alexander
Not Yet Rated

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
and I was proud of my body because the human body is a beautiful thing. Breasts are a beautiful thing. I took many lovers not because I needed to prove something to myself or anyone else, but because the body and the spirit are one until they're separated by death. That I was very generous with my spirit. Hello. My name is Mrs Droop held Vape home. My husband is ambassador of a perm of the High Council of the Feline Races, and I'm currently visiting approved Recreation Sphere seven to Well, it's my youngest son, Jimmy. I was dusting his clarinet trophy when I came across the stack. Pornography, but that's not the worst part. It was a nine. It was just so many dumps. It was horrible. We have no love for the precedent for his skin like way. Have no allegiances. Two way should cut our hair. We can do that whole super short and messy thing. Bleach it like when girls have to hide their identities and spry movies. Everyone will be rocking the apocalyptic style flow maintenance, high sex appeal. Yeah, she's still burning. She really loved that. You get away from the window. Weird colors. She was kind of a *****. Parkinson's isn't fatal disease, But if you fall If I fought, I I just want to be prepared. Nothing scares me more than stillness. The idea of my body locked in a casket underground forever. I want to keep moving after I pass.