Feelin' Lucky

Profile photo for Kyle Ingleman
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Excerpt from the radio noir program \"The Blue Mojave\"

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
On Sunday afternoons, the Pacific Ocean shimmers like mercury, but at night it's a black, massive, improbable size. Rowing a boat in the stars was in my idea of a swell evening, but I needed a lift in the water taxis. It stopped running hours before, about the first whaler I found with the keys still in the ignition and road, past the yachts and fishing boats tied off in private docks. The harbour was quiet, reeked of salt seaweed. When I cleared the docks that fired the engine and it spotted the life, I was on my way to the Pacific Royal Casino. Close the three in the morning, and what can I say? I was feeling lucky.