Sample Public Service Announcement

Profile photo for Kip Casto
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Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
women's boobs. Particular nipples are censored certain social networks, even when sharing how to perform breast self examinations to detect early rest cancer. But without boobs that aren't censored. Henry's Hello. Let's begin standing in from a mirror of Place your hands on your hips. Check your breast feed and change in skin and nipples, including swelling, redness or lumps. Hands on your head. Check for shape. Distortion. Time to get active using or three middle fingers pressing a spiral from armpit down when under the breasts and covering its entire surface up to the middle. Don't forget the armpit in the ever packs. If you feel any lumps or regularity, contact you gynecologist. There are three steps to detect breast cancer breast self examination, this junior gynecologist regularly getting a mammogram. That goes for you, too, Henry. Men can also contract breast cancer. Thank goodness it doesn't go for censorship. Share this video or making around. All you need is a pair of man boobs