Audio Book - Fiction



Almost a 40s detective movie tone.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I would start by telling you my name, but you don't need to know it because this story isn't about me. It's about my husband, Manny. Right now, man, he's telling me about a man he works with. It has no vice. We're sitting at the kitchen table having a glass of wine. It's nighttime. Soft music is playing and he's telling me about this man. This coworker of Manny's has an issue with his bladder, so we can't drink liquor. He gets too paranoid so he can't smoke dope. He's married to a woman who stopped sleeping with him years ago so he doesn't have sex. The poor guy to put it simply has no way to relieve himself. The man's name is Steven Man. He tells me he's barely touched his glass of wine. He likes the harder stuff. The clearest of whites are his favorites. Sometimes the Browns. I know what man. He's got a half. I know what he does to take the edge off. He doesn't know that I know. But I dio in a way, man and I met through his uncle. He worked in construction and hated it. So he asked his uncle my old boss for a job. He sat him in the desk next to me. We got together quickly. After that. I work in a nursing home now. But before Man and I spent years sitting next to each other, calling people to collect on debts while our own were piling up in the mailbox. Everyone told us we shouldn't date someone we work with. But we didn't care that feeling. The beginning was rich. It was beyond us. We couldn't have said no. Even if we wanted. Manny's folks tried to split us up. His mother wanted him to marry someone who could give him more than what he already had. Well, that's what man, he told me. Anyway, I know it's the cleaner version. In the beginning, he couldn't be bothered to care. That's how it used to be between us. Yeah, maybe you want a slice of the pumpkin pie your mom made. You don't like it. I think it's nice. It's just tonight we only have 1 10 year anniversary. He knows I hate pumpkin pie. Maybe later. Manny's uncle moved to Canada a few months ago with a woman he met. He just quit, packed up his stuff and headed north with this woman he'd met at a gas station. How could your uncle leave his wife like that? The thought of it still gets to me, man. He takes his plate of pie and goes into the living room to watch TV. His favorite show is on the one about vintage luxury cars coming. If I had to put a time to it a time when Manny and I started drifting apart, I'd say it was that summer. He lived in New York two months after we got married. He went to help a friend start a business.