Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Kamara McMullen
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


Three different commercial style demo's.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
time flies When you're a kid, take a minute to save for the days of swing sets and sandboxes with fudgy homemade Betty Crocker chocolate chunk brownies, you can have them in the oven in less than five minutes. Her childhood won't last, but her memories of the way you made it special will. Betty Crocker. What a great idea. Muscle aches. Nothing is proven more effective or long lasting and Advil for long lasting relief of muscle aches. Count on Advil. In a recent clinical study, Advil was found to work better than Tylenol in relieving the pain of sore muscles the day after exercise. No wonder doctors recommend Advil for muscle aches more than any other nonprescription brand Advil advanced medicine for pain. There's a pursuit. We all share a better life for your family. A better opportunity for your business, a better legacy to leave the world. We have always believed in this pursuit, striving to bring insight to every investment and integrity to every plan. We are Morgan Stanley, and we're ready to work for you