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Includes a range of characters from teenager to mom.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
From the minute I drive in, there's someone greeting me, opening my car door, offering to valet it ... free of charge! Can you believe it? There are many barriers to learning, and for those who don't keep learning, life can be very limited. But there is a way out. Women invented multitasking. Our goal is to get twice as much done in half the time, which is why we love shopping at Target! Looking for a new splash of flavor with zero calories. New Vitamin Water Zero! Loaded with vitamins, Not calories. After a long day of kids playing, dogs barking and things breaking, I'll bet you can't wait to chill out and relax with a brisk cup of Horizons Herbal Tea. Design the perfect engagement ring in just minutes! You'll have the rest of your life to design the perfect husband. I've been watching you from afar. You've obviously got the right contacts. But of course, soft contact lenses from national eyewear Only $39.95. Only $39.95 for contacts!? What a small price to pay for such beauty! Let me look a little closer. Closer!? I think we're beginning to make contact. I know I'm a disappointment to you ... because I can't cook worth a darn. Honey, it's OK. I didn't marry you ... I can't boil an egg or make you hot cocoa or cut crusties off your bread! Doris, listen .... But happy days are here, Frank. What? I figured out how to make you a milkshake. Honey, please ... Look! Microshake? They're .. they're frozen! I know, watch! Doris, That's the microwave!