Voice-Over Talent Demo for Kevin Novak

Profile photo for Kevin Novak
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Less than 1 minute in length, this is assembled for your consideration for your voice-over needs. All scripting and copy is original, written by yours truly.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you are presently listening to the vocal articulation of Kevin Novak. This demo is assembled in five short spots For consideration of your voice, talent needs attentional passengers. We will be arriving a dock to 15 momentarily. You are advised not to rise from your seats until the tram car has come to a full and complete stop. Once you are ready to depart, ensure that you have all of your luggage securely in your possession. Thank you for selecting Hyperion Luxor Tax Services. If you would prefer a live representative, please press one at any time. With flexible scheduling available around the clock, you're guaranteed professional tax preparation in time for the April 14 filing deadline. Thank you for going eggs. Onerous. You are presently at the main menu in order to better fulfill your needs today. Can you please state your first and your last name? The final benefit of our product offers you a comprehensive daily analysis of your personal reports arranged in an easy to read layout. You can change the format easily and as often as you'd like upon request for the most complete news and updates on both global and local happenings, tune into Channel one at 11