English speaking Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Kolbe Cammack
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


This demo was recorded with scripts made specifically for my voice type.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Harry started with an idea. What if we made high quality razors and shaving accessories and didn't rip people off pretty crazy, but it worked. Hair ease. Knocking down trees makes climate change worse. Planting trees makes it better. And since we like the planet, let's plant some trees. Join us at team trees dot org. It's not just a phone, it's not just a tablet, that's all. That and more. The new Samsung Galaxy Z fold Unfold your world. Welcome to the land of insurance, where flowers bloom and birds sing about saving money by bundling your home and auto insurance with progressive. Ah, yes, it is a glorious land indeed. When you order the new smokehouse brisket burger from Red Robin, prepare yourself for an avalanche of flavour and jealous looks only at Red Robin. Harley looks cool in the show room, but you can't fully appreciate a Harley until it's just you, the road and the endless horizon. Harley Davidson