Commercial Demo-Believable-Conversational-Authentic

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Commercial Demo-Believable-Conversational-Authentic

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)




Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi, I'm Cuba, Cuba on the voice Actors from Sydney, Australia, and this is my demo type. Taxi's gonna cost a bit. Maybe I could drive. I'm busted. A limited Lose my licence whiskey. Nick's is Australia's largest transport project that will revolutionise the way Sydneysiders move a bad at Great City. Humble meat pie has been Australia's game watching Neil from the very beginning, you'd be surprised how many adults aren't able to write a letter. Wait a website or a text. Antalya rugs only 49 90. Talk about a highly 23 75 block out roller blind 1990. Unless it's something done, there's not much left to lose. If you're someone close to you, is in trouble with gambling. His expert. Help us free and confidential. A new era begins the 2019 in a row. Telstra Premiership will see a generation off emerging town to step up and make their mark on the game. Love Island returns Monday, the third of June at nine PM on I T. V, too. Directed by Israeli filmmaker Guy Negative, Skin won the 2019 Academy Award for best live action short film