Taste of Home Magazine - Nationwide Promo

Radio Ad


Upbeat, friendly Commercial for America's #1 Cooking Magazine, Taste of Home. Client loved it and specifically mentioned its success in increasing nationwide business.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey, everybody. Kristen Hagopian here for taste of Home publications. You and I know that one of the best ways to save cash is by cooking at home. But when our schedules are as tight as our wallets, how do we make delicious, inexpensive home cooking a regular part of our lives? Taste of home? That's how taste of Home is America's Number one cooking magazine and for good reason, with over 200 delicious, doable recipes and tips and every issue perfect for cooks of all skill levels. So grab the latest copy of Taste of Home or, better still, subscribe to their magazine at Taste of home dot com. Backslash radio and save 80% off the newsstand price you heard right Log onto taste of home dot com Backslash radio to save 80% off the regular newsstand price. Taste of home. Let's get cooking