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Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Kristen Keys. What's up, guys? Welcome back to gold spotters, the pot all about cutting your teeth and getting noticed in the music biz. Today we're taking an in depth look at crafting original cover art that captures both the vibe. Have a track and who you are as an artist. Plus, I'll teach you how to create a looping visual to enliven your image on streaming platforms for the smoothest, grooviest jazz. Keep your ears tuned in the West Coast. Cool 98.1 of them Catch the vibe. Be cool in the heart of the night. All night long. Cool jazz on Gotham's 98.1. Cool at them. We've got all the hits from the eighties nineties and whatever you're listening to. Frank FM, Today's Best Rock with John the Rolling Stone McAfee. What are you saying? We can't hear you pump up the jam with Frank FM