Sample from \" Purella Paws\"

Profile photo for WILLIAM BURRELL
Not Yet Rated


A sample from a poem about a cat trying to catch a clever mouse in a trap

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This kitten is called Perella Pause. She has pointy ears and sharp claws. Perella strolled around the house thinking about tiny Mervyn Mouse. Perella Pause had just one aim to trick Mervyn with her game. A cheesy trap for the tiny mouths lay in wait outside his house. A tasty treat lay in a bait. Our Perella had to do was wait when I opened so she could be she curled up, pretending to sleep. But Marvin Mouths was no one's fool. He stepped out and he played it cool. If he took the cheese, debate would snap and he'd be caught in a clever trap. Perella looked back. Just a glance. Mervyn saw it and took a chance. He darted away into his house. Perella couldn't catch that mouse with nothing to do and no one to tease. Perella looked at the tempting cheese. She wondered how it would taste no sense and letting it go to waste. If it's good for the mouse, it's good for me. So she eats her power in carefully. Suddenly, the traps spring and shut tight. Mervyn Mouse stared at the site Perella Mao she ran to and throw, but the trap was set and it would let go. Chairs were knocked over tables to she landed on the table and ah, hullabaloo. Still, it turned out all right. In the end, her so little Paul is now on the mend. Perella learned her lesson not to tease and that not all mice are fonder of cheese.