Kris Roc

Profile photo for Kris Rochester
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Now that's one fine looking man. Any smells great, too. He must be wearing Masquerade the new colorful Jordan How you came, Kitty here, listen to that silly him searching behind every door piece of furniture she'll never finally here I can remember going upto Harmony Lake Every summer my brother and I were race each other to the dock as fast our legs could carry A. When I first joined matches, I thought it would be nothing more than a way to get out and date again. Who knew that in less than a year I'll be announcing my engagement? If it's paradise you're looking for? Look no further. Schedule your dream vacation to the Caribbean Caribbean, where every is a paradise heaven Chocolates are rich and creamy with that sweet, delicious flavor you love. You don't have to be angel to be in heaven. The Titanic carry a curse. Mummy, Can you really By Penguin on the Internet? If you want to separate the weird legends from the bizarre truth, check out factor fit. I'm Chris Rochester. Thank you for listening.