Kimberly Spera - Narration Demo


Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
as well as eating large amounts of meat and fish. Stone age people were apparently find a vegetarian foods as the minute scratch marks on their teeth show. It was his gatherers of nuts, Berries, roots and the like that the women and young girls came into their own every day or two groups of them would set out with flint axes. Or wouldn't digging sticks hardened by careful treatment in the fire? Is your monthly heating bill taking you by surprise this season? There's good news. With just a few simple adjustments, you can take control of your home's energy use. According to the Edison Electric Institute, there are many simple and inexpensive steps you can take to save electricity. One tip. It's to keep their homes, Thermostat said. It's 68 degrees when you're home and 60 degrees when you're gone or during overnight hours. For each degree you turn down your thermostat, you'll save 3% on your heating bill. Between juggling work, family and other demands, many busy women find it hard to make healthy habits part of their daily routines. Joan London, award winning television journalist, author and busy mother of seven Children, understands the challenge and has joined the American Heart Association's free choose to move programs. Quit making is a fun and rewarding activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. It's an act of creation of true beauty and an expression of emotion that is captured and shown in the careful choice in preparation of fabric and in the placement of each individual stitch.