Fantasy Demo

Profile photo for Kellin Tasber
Not Yet Rated


In these four short clips, I represent female leads in the fantasy genre.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
my father, the King of Plata Door has suffered greatly at the hands of the water's edge. King and his army As my father's only kin. I must travel to the water's edge and convince their king to bypass Plata door on their next crusade. If they choose to pay no heed to my dissuasion, they will know the valor of the Plata. Dorian Princess! The stone is what I'm here for. You know it's rightfully mine. Keeping it hidden from me any longer is only going to bring harm to everyone in the kingdom. Oh, where's the rest of it? Great. Is this? Ah, riddle. Just what I need right now. This isn't last you'll be seeing of me. I can guarantee that next time it's right down to business. I knew I shouldn't have flown so recklessly. Now where can my unicorn hair wand be? Professor Wilkins will call me careless again. I have to find it. I just have to Oh, I have never been without my fairy magic. Oh, this is my worst nightmare. I did. I just need to cross the wondrous woods and everything will be fine. I can do it. These potions will certainly help me protect myself. I am glad I listened to Mrs Quibble and kept these. Perhaps I should drink some of the defense potion that ought to keep me safe for a few hours. They say that a wizard combines the traits of an enchanter and, um, age being one of inherent skill and practice. Ah, Wizard is the most superior costs of all spell casters. But who are they with an opinion like that? You think they were wizards? An old major like myself wants to believe that we've reached the heights of mastery through centuries of fine tuned practice. There's only one way to evaluate spell casters. A duel, of course.