
Video Narration


0:00 Product(long commercial)
0:31 The wall of China
1:12 Registration Instruction

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Malay Mandarin Standard Mandarin Chinese


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
since our beginning we look to inspire and nurture each other by asking what's possible what's possible when come together? What's possible when we connect? What's possible when we open our hearts? What's possible when we grow together? After 50 years we learned that possible. Is just the beginning. Do you remember climbing the wall of china? The incline of uneven stairs layout before you? The strange on your legs as you complete a seven mile stretch up here into Northwest Beijing. Seeing Harris of other hikers and realizing you're standing on a 2000 year old masterpiece and walking together on the journey of a lifetime. Do you remember climbing the wall of china? No. Make memories for your senses. Trevor. Select register with a temporary I. D. And password. Enter the required details, accept the terms and conditions and click next create your new user I. D. And password and provide other required details. Make sure the details are correct. Then click, confirm.