The Fibre Guy you NEED!

Video Narration


A very eccentric Fibre guy tries his very best to sell himself as the only guy you'll ever need!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


South African (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi. How's it do? Milan San Bennani? Here's a cool idea. I'm Ryan Flynn from Contractors Agency. And I'm auditioning for the role of your fibre guy. He's a versatile chapters character, and I'm your guy. I can be anything you want me to be, baby. I mean, just look at me. Uh, well, listen to me. I mean, how could I not be that dynamic? My connection is top class, poppy, superfast fibre Internet that moves at the speed of lightning. I mean, you know, as geeky guys. We want to make the world a better place. I mean, if Bill Gates is standing with an injection, I'm the guy next to him with a land cable that'll make even him blush. Ready to transfuse your household with WiFi That will give you muscles like Anne. Come on, do it. Do it. I'm right here. Come on. Eyes to see you. Sorry about that. In my off time, I missed nothing because I got like, serious foam. Oh, so I game and stream all the popular content on the Internet like a mofo. See what I did that Here are some of my favourite movie quotes. Go ahead. Make my day. Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get to infinity and beyond. And my personal favourite Yippee Kai Yay! Motherf or sorry about that family show My bad Moving on. Wait a minute. I don't need this. You know what? I see you in Hollywood homies Peace out. I'm out of here Biz. Oh, you don't need me. I mean, I can feel the internet infused me right now. No, wait. I am the Internet. Take me to your I S B dealer. Anyway, that's me. I'm out of here. So, like they say, that's all, folks.