Commercial Voiceover Demo

Profile photo for Kyle Cunningham
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


Booming baritone with lots of personality, from conversational, to hard sell, to a heart-felt PSA.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the people that carry the world. What do they carry? Thinkers, The builders, the innovators, People that carry the world carry Samsonite. As long as there is willingness and desire, then you are capable of more. The all new BMW X three capable of more. Honey, we've been dating for almost six months. I'm ready to take a relationship to the next level. I was gonna ask if you wanted to split season tickets. WD 40 brand lubricants. Whatever the job happens to be, there's nothing you can't do. WD 40 live life hands on your single blood donation to the American Red Cross can help save up to three lives. Be a hero. Donate blood. Visit Red Cross blood dot org's When you give someone a mock sees gift card, you're not just giving them delicious food. You're giving them a yes. We will take a look at that dessert menu. Romantic dinner for two