Corporate / Educational Reel Lesley Ann Acheson

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Not Yet Rated

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Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
we eat to live. But food is more than nutrition. It's a way of life bringing together families and uniting cultures. Right now, the fact that 800 million people worldwide are undernourished while almost two billion are over wit is one of the largest challenges we've ever fist, especially for our Children. Lack of exercise and too much food is driving a rise in childhood obesity in the UK one in five Children starting school is overweight or obese, and that's why Nestle has committed to helping 50 million Children worldwide adopt healthier diets and lifestyles by 2020. We must act now to help individuals and families wake up to the benefits of healthy living. So what about inside the house? Well, you'll find innovations everywhere. Let's start in the kitchen. Recipes are projected digitally onto the work surface, so you no longer need lots of space for books that become covered in food. All food is registered on the computer system on recipes using these ingredients are suggested. Everyday, people have always find the timing of cookie meals difficult. Dishes often do not cook well because the times are not accurate. The often will recognise the dish that you've put in and know exactly how to cook it and for how long. The bathroom has also been significantly transformed. Bathroom skills no longer just provide peoples with a heavy person is not necessarily fat. It can be due to muscle wit. Neither skills measure your wit, body fat heart rate and B m I. Not only that, they will also connect your smartphone on recommend activities and food to improve your health.