Corporate/Explainer Demo

Video Narration


A combination of technical, narration, naturalistic and E Learning. Showing off my natural London accent.

Vocal Characteristics




British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
welcome to the online training. The Whiz Performance Review, thie, annual staff assessment and Development Talk is an important instrument of your personnel development. When Susie visits your store, we send her a real time push notification with a personalised offer based on her previous browsing and shopping habit. Cooperation and partnerships are a fast and fundamental way to bring innovation into our cars and our ecosystem. But how can we enhance transparency for new and existing cooperations? How can we exploit synergy effects across Sanyal and how to appreciate the dimension of e commerce? Look no further than Singles Day, China's annual 24 hour online sales event, which generated $25 billion for retailers. Sanger's in 2017 alone For you proceed, let's talk about various buttons and functions that help you to navigate through the course successfully. The attachment icon allows you to access and download supportive materials like website links and guideline booklets for offline reading. When the treatment was over with, it was like a weight being lifted off the king. I felt lost alone. I started to get pretty down again. Sure, you're out of hospital at last, but well, I guess that's the legacy of the disease. It never really lazy