Catholic Diocese Campaign

Video Narration


One of a series of spots I did for the Catholic Diocese Charity and Development Appeal campaign.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
These are the faces of the many people that benefit through the support of the CD, a mom's air receiving the prenatal care they need to make sure their babies have a safe and happy entry into the world. Catholic schools are more accessible for hundreds of families, ensuring the ongoing formation and development of each student's God given potential. Couples are receiving faith filled preparation for the sacrament of marriage so that wedding bells ring long after they're married and hundreds of people are able to feed their families during their time and need. With support from the CD, A seminarians air ableto live out their vocation by following their calling to become priests, and many people have been able to get the help they need to find a job and get back on their feet. Children have the opportunity to learn about and strengthen their faith. And through the support of the CD, A parish leaders are able to live their faith and serve our communities by building their knowledge and skills. Thes air Just a few of the many people whose lives have been impacted by your gift, please donate to the CD A today and give hope to so many tomorrow