Big Driver - Stephen King



Horror short story

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
When Tess swam back to consciousness the third time the world had turned black and silver and she was floating. This is what it's like to be dead. Then she registered hands beneath her big hands, his hands and the barbed wire circled of pain around her throat. He hadn't choked her quite enough to kill her. But she was wearing the shape of his hands like a necklace, palms in front fingers on the sides and the nape of her neck. It was night, the moon was up a full moon. He was carrying her across the parking lot of the deserted store. He was carrying her past his truck. She didn't see her expedition. Her expedition was gone. Where for Art Thou Tom? He stopped at the edge of the road. She could smell his sweat and feel the rise and fall of his chest. She could feel the night air cool on her bare legs. She could hear the sign ticking behind her. You like it. It likes you. Does he think I I'm dead? He, he can't think I'm dead. I'm still bleeding or was she? It was hard to tell for sure she lay limp. In his arms. Feeling like a girl in a horror movie. The one who's carried away by Jason or Michael or Freddie or whatever his name was after all, the other ones are slaughtered. Carried to some slump, deep woods layer where she would be chained to a hook in the ceiling. In those movies, there were always chains and hooks in the ceiling.