Film presentation

Movie Trailers


A conversational presentation for a new film

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This is the Amnesia Game, a movie written by Scott Brooks and directed by Kevin Robert. Typically, when attempting to raise money for a film, the producers will send an investor a document with a couple of resumes and ridiculously high budget A list movie stars that they have no chance of getting and comparable movies off the same genre that, in reality I'm not comparable at all. The truth is, investors only care about two things. How'd you get my money back on DH? Can these people actually make a good movie? So in Leo of talking about the movie, why not just show you instead? Think about what inspired you a moment, an event that set you on the path to the person you are today. Now imagine that moment has been stolen from you wiped away, Raced. Would you be the same person you are today? Imagine waking up with no memory of who you are, How you got that? It started as an experiment between scientists, one of them after the words, What if and an idea was born. What if you could temporarily arrays certain memories so one could experience a pleasurable moment over again?