IVR Telehealth- Professional, Warm, Knowledgable

Profile photo for Laura Chowenhill
Not Yet Rated


Telehealth platform's augmented intelligence therapist/coach.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi, I'm Anna. I am a coach powered by artificial intelligence who will work with you as you practice the skills in this track, you can chat with me just like you would with a live coach. It appears that you're having a particularly hard time right now. Is that right? Sorry. I must have misunderstood. Let's get back to what we were discussing. I'm sorry to hear that. You may be going through a hard time while negative thoughts are a normal part of being human. When they get in the way of us accomplishing goals we care about, they become a problem. Let's identify a goal that you care about and a plan to make progress on it. Despite whatever thoughts might be getting in your way. Think about a goal that you'd like to accomplish in the near future. Particularly one you've been procrastinating making excuses for, or been afraid to fully commit to. Do you have one in mind