
Profile photo for Laura Page
Not Yet Rated


A small sample of instructional book voiceover and children's book voice overs.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian-General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Worm bins. The expert's guide to upcycling your food scraps and revitalizing your garden. You've bought your worms, you've got stacks of old newspapers and cardboard boxes ready. You have a five gallon bucket or two with holes questionably drilled into them. You've been saving all your coffee, grans and banana peels for the last month. You're ready to start worm composting or are you once upon a time in a place called Feather Dale lived a curious bird named Skyler Skyler was special because he loved to ask questions about everything around him. He wondered about the tall trees, the small rocks or even the twinkling stars in the sky. Doctor De Soto by William Steig. Doctor De Soto climbed up the ladder and bravely entered the fox's mouth. Oh, wow. He gasped. The fox had a rotten bicuspid and unusually bad breath. This tooth will have to come out. Doctor De Soto announced, but we can make you a new one. Just stop the pain, whimpered. The fox wiping away some tears despite his misery, he realized he had a tasty little morsel in his mouth and his jaw began to quiver. Keep open. Yelled, Doctor De Soto wide open. Yelled his wife.