Political Demo - Laura Keenan Voice Over

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Whether you need candidate negative or positive, amusing or issue ads, Laura has the versatility. She is inspiring & patriotic; authoritative & confident; empathetic & engaging or injects sass and swagger to get the listener engaged. Laura is your call to action for all things political.

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North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Martha McSally has been the voice for common sense. In Washington, she represents. Arizona values like lower taxes, fewer regulations on small business and more independence from big government. We see so much optimism. America is back in. Arizona is back this november make the common sense. Choice vote to reelect senator Martha McSally, he's an extremist. Dan Crenshaw marches to whatever drum that president beats. No matter how far the tune trespasses on the rights of ordinary americans. And now dan Crenshaw supports cutting unemployment to the bare minimum, Impoverishing thousands of Americans. Enough women have come a long way in America but there's still a long way to go with the average female worker, earning only 70 of a man in the same role to fight for equality isn't over search. Hashtag equal means equal to learn how you can help nancy. Pelosi, she likes to talk about average americans, cute with her $12,000 handbag and nine figure net worth. She's definitely in touch with walmart moms and gig economy workers Just trying to get by. She even helped pass legislation that await cost thousands of gig workers their livelihoods. Yeah, nancy Pelosi, she wouldn't know an average american unless she saw one cleaning her mansion. It's a national shame. America has the highest number of homeless in the Western world. And each year the government cuts homeless aid to the bone. Private charities can't do it alone. Call your congress person and tell them America demands that our government help solve the homeless crisis.