Animation demo

Profile photo for Lisa Breitman
Not Yet Rated

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
check your homework. Now, don't be late for school. And now I'm going to get a massage from a strapping man named Felipe. A levee, sweetie. By they look like a whole new dimension. A trouble to me. You little trolls want music. Well, I hear some notes you miss like flatly. Word for word. Turn right ahead, I said right, you moron. Are you texting while driving again? Stupid. You have reached your destination. Frankly, I'm shocked Your very presence tarnishes these sacred lands. Believe now and never return. Well, Candice, over medical like you before. I mean, you're going to cool. Good evening. I'm Karen Brennan and your watching Iowa news today, brought to you by America's favorite whiskey. Now, in a can sexy senior weather line I'd like to know is going to be it's gonna be very wearing more sweaters. You having like out totally performed. Put aside your fears. Safety exists via if it exists anywhere on crim. Let Draconian will not find this place. Police and Dolly, You would always be late if you wasn't way on that clock around your neck like that. Flavor flavor Oy