The Joiner, Audiobook

Profile photo for Lisa Beth Allen
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The Joiner is the story of a third grade girl taking a leap into belonging. It showcases my ability to conjure a sense of time and place, create moods including anticipation, and celebration and emotions like pride. It demonstrates my ability to flow smoothly from being in character to narration.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I stood flat footed my two white new Keds, squarely planted on the ground, hands on hips, looking up into the eyes of the beast. From a foot and 1/2 below, I shouted, Dina is a dodo! Take that! I did it! I joined in. I am a joiner wth the air buzzed, but the promise of summer vacation sky was blue grass almost green from its brown winter slumber, and the cement just warm enough to sit on without burning your legs. Springtime third grade, Late morning recess. 1970 1969 70 was a good academic.