Corporate: Oracle Cloud

Video Narration


Here is an example of corporate work, using my natural general American accent

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Humankind has always sought answers today. Our pursuit of answers through research is as crucial as ever advancing many industries research is the gateway to exploration, discovery, innovation, transformation, and problem solving. Through research, we can reach for a better world. But securing and maintaining funding is a growing challenge. Organizations must meet strict legislation, compliance and auditing requirements, and they must show that their research is having a profound impact to remain at the cutting edge. Researchers need to harness the potential of sophisticated technologies. The question is how cloud is providing the answers, driving new possibilities in the research universe. Autonomous cloud services are refocusing resources and expanding horizons. Oracle cloud provides near unlimited scaling capabilities, allowing researchers to start quickly, manage capacity efficiently, access data easily and collaborate globally at Oracle. We've dedicated over 30 years to helping researchers find answers in a universe of exploration to power your discoveries with oracle's high performance scalable and secure cloud solutions visit oracle dot com forward slash research.