VO Reel showing a range of possibilities.

Video Narration


Starting light, to gravitas back to light and at a quicker pace in about 4 commercial clips.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
depression is a serious medical condition that can take so much out of you. I feel like I have to keep winding myself up just to get out of bed. And, well, I have to keep winding myself up to deal with sadness, loss of interest, trouble concentrating, lack of energy. If depression is taking so much out of you, ask a doctor about Christie HQ. Call anyone anytime across town, crossed or across the country, even to Canada, without time restrictions. It's kind of tough traveling in a means and you don't know how the ride. You don't know howto drive unless you have someone to drive you someone to show you the way. Chapter three. Cultivating the Mind for Success Tapping in We become what we Think about Earl Nightingale has indicated in the will of fortune, your evaluations of your thoughts and experiences Define your life. It is this assessment that carries you through or it takes you down. This is Clifton McKnight. Looking forward to working with you. I can be reached that Rio 12457165 Have a tremendous day