Linda Dean Voices Narration Reel 2021

Profile photo for Linda Dean
Not Yet Rated


Linda Dean Voices uses intonation and inflection to match the audience advised, in order to keep their attention and interest while learning the information presented.

From corporate to dramatized voice acting, no script is too difficult to handle (everyone loves a good challenge).

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


New Zealand


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
in order to overcome the expected growth of aviation traffic while increasing the operational efficiencies. I ko, as part of I k O as Boone Modules has developed the trajectory based operations concept with supporting enablers, also known as T b o Kiyota. That's the New Zealand away. To have life and be well, Christchurch embodies the very spirit of the greeting. It's a place where anything is possible, where adventure comes to life and happiness drives everything we do. Budgeting means tracking the money you were earning and the money you were spending. It's a way of taking ownership of your finances, ensuring you're making the most of your cash and helping you use your money to do the things you value most. Around 15% of university students in New Zealand are worried about having enough cash to survive. Our world is changing by 2050. It is predicted that there will be nine billion people on earth, and this will create even more pressure on our natural resources. To meet the need, we must find new, more sustainable ways to use the natural assets around us. This module reviews the delivery process for Comex and Nymex, precious metals contracts. CMI Group offers a range of precious metals futures that result in physical delivery on maturity. Precious metals are minerals found in rock deposits around the world. These natural deposits are mined, refined and cast into ingots suitable for use by industry or investors. They're evaded. Temples are usually situated within an enclosed area and feature multiple buildings or shrines. The Buddhist flag can be found outside most temples featuring the six colours believed to have shown around Buddha at the time of his Enlightenment. Temple grounds frequently feature a bodhi tree, which Buddhists believe to be a symbol of enlightenment. Buddha is said to have found enlightenment while sitting beneath the bodhi tree.