Lisa Lupari Radio Commercials

Radio Ad


With this demo Lisa displays her versatility. From warm and intimate reads for Amtrak and Blue Cross Blue Shield to the fun and attitude on Trump Marina and Estroven. Lisa takes direction extremely well.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
nothing brings families closer together, especially on Amtrak. For more information or to book tickets, call 1 800 USA Rail or visit Amtrak dot com. Having Children Help in the kitchen It's a great way to build skills and make time for each other. In a very busy world. Are Peanut Butter Jeff America's favorite peanut butter? We all know that the cost of medical care is rising. By working together, we can help keep health care affordable for everyone. Blue Cross Blue Shield. 75 years and Going strong. What are you doing? You might getting ready in silence until we at least get to Trump. Marina, Honey, that doesn't let me outta here. I'm walking. We always knew someday we live on the beach. It was just a matter of finding the right place. Thank goodness for a Prudential ran broker who found it for us. Can five stars be spacious and stylish? Absolutely. Town and country brings together spaciousness, style and safety, so you and your passengers or cargo can look great on the road. When you're having fun, you never want it to stop. The playschool ride to roll goes from a ride on to a scooter in a snap. Playschool Praise cool. You don't have to live with all the hot flashes and night sweats of menopause. You've got options. Try new all natural extra strength est riven with soy and black cohosh. You don't have to live with all the hot flashes and night sweats.