Commercial Reel

Profile photo for Liv Vordenberg
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


Samples of commercial performances for top brands.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Look, budgets are tight. It's about getting value for money not showing off. That's why we're a target. Family great brands at lower prices and deals that make family shopping a whole lot easier. Target. It just makes sense. We're not here to show off or to prove something. So we won't apologize for coming in first. It's Peloton Train for life. You've always trusted us that we would go the extra mile to keep you and the ones you love safe. And like always when it comes to safety, we are all in jet blue. Why do your lips need new? Because now it's got better ingredients like shea butter and coconut oil. So even if they're kissing this, your lips feel like this, keep moisture locked in with new eos. It just sits there watching you waiting for you to say something. It's smarter than you. It speaks more languages, it speaks all the languages. Ask Alexa to play your workout jams in Latvian. Go on. You know, you want to