IVF Canada

Profile photo for Liv Graham
Not Yet Rated
Online Ad


It is a narration audition I did for an online ad.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I. V. F. Canada is a leading fertility center in state of the art lab. We have everything you need with advanced, full service reproductive care and a caring team to guide and support. You can count on your experience with us to be inclusive and comfortable. We share one goal family is for everyone. Your IVF Canada family is here to help. IVF Canada is a leading fertility center in state of the art lab. We have everything you need with advanced full service reproductive care and a caring team to guide and support. You can count on your experience with us to be inclusive and comfortable. We share one goal family is for everyone. Your IVF Canada family is here to help.