Lexa Koel Narration Demo

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North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Before Nashville, there was crystal. When the birthplace of country music opens in August, this miso in affiliated museum lets the world in on a secret musicians have known for generations. The roots of American music run deep in Bristol, a one time Appalachian Railroad boom town straddling the Tennessee Virginia border. Johnny Cash famously called Bristol Studio sessions of 1927 the single most important event in the history of country music, as they marked the first recordings of some of the genre's earlier stores, including the Carter family and Jimmie Rodgers. Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Bono, convicted of kidnapping, raping, torturing and killing 10 women ranging in ages from 12 to 28 years old. During a four month period from late 1977 toe early 1978 they committed their crimes in the hills of Los Angeles, California. Their final victim was discovered in Los Angeles on February 16 1978 when a helicopter pilot spotted in orange dots and that had been abandoned off a cliff on the Angeles Crest Highway. After intensive investigation, police charged the two cousins with the heinous crimes pesto perfected in Italy. LaGuardia's fame Basil sauce keeps it simple. If there is one aroma that unifies logo DEA, the region that arcs along Italy's northwestern coast, joining France to Italy Alps to see its genovese basil, fragrant bouquets of basil line the stores and outdoor markets and sitting window sills wafting a sentence pure is it is, um, tents. And if you ask any locals the one food that showcases thoroughly famous basil, they won't hesitate to answer pesto.