Doug Lloyd - Narration Demo

Profile photo for Doug Lloyd
Not Yet Rated

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Located on the border of eastern and central Ontario, Algonquin Park is one of the great forests of North America, with a mixture of disingenuous and coniferous trees, plus a wide array of small lakes. Algonquin looks very much like it did when it was first explored in the 19th century. The key to smoking meat is to keep a consistent temperature inside the grill. Now that's easier said than done. For instance, if you simply add raw coals to your existing pit, get sun spikes and temperature. Instead, keeping arsenal lick holes on the side in a separate grill. Then periodically add them to your main grill to keep the temperature level. At the dawn of the 20th century, France was the epicenter of the film industry. But in the 19 twenties, Hollywood studios began experimenting with sound technology. This signals a major shift. Within years, the best talent from Europe was heading west to the sunny coast of California, and so the golden age of Hollywood began. In 2001 Elon Musk began thinking seriously about colonizing Mars. If we could somehow set up a greenhouse on Mars, he thought we could experiment with Martian soil and plant the seeds literally for a future civilization. So he began shopping the idea to agencies around the world. They laughed at him. That's when he decided to launch space X.