English language demo 2022

Video Narration


demo sample work ( only used for demo purposes!)

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
As a parent, I want to know that my kids are safe wherever they are. That includes riding in the car with the new carpal optic from solar. I can breathe easy knowing my kids will arrive where they need to safely. Whether I'm the driver or not, I step out of the dock and into the light. You clear the way for an even brighter tomorrow. Me and you are alive with beauty. Me and you are alive with beauty. She said at that time of the year, you've all been waiting for. The exotic pet parade is here this saturday. Bring your lizards, iguanas and rare birds to strut their stuff at the fifth Annual Market Circle exotic pet parade. Or just come and watch all the action. All sizes and kinds of pets are welcome. Just be sure to register online at pet parade dot com first. Mm hmm.