Lydia Greenly - Audition Reel

Profile photo for Lydia Greenly
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


This is a commercial / radio demo I recorded with Brian West voiceover workshop

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Lydia Greenly. Meanwhile, in a meeting somewhere sometime someone made a suggestion and everyone else wondered why haven't they thought of it? Here's to brainstorming sessions and great ideas. WP equipment now has two locations. Same great service and selection now available in Dundas and Mississauga. And remember since WP equipment is a dealership, if there's a problem, your solution is one easy call away WP equipment. Now, servicing flam borough Dundas, Hamilton, Mississauga and Oakville experience the difference service mix visit wPT landscape equipment dot C. A. It's that time of year again, but you probably knew that and to help get you in the seasonal spirit CMT showing holiday movies six nights a week until Boxing Day. No catch just movies. Unless you think that guy is a catch classic comedies and heartwarming dramas that will make everyone feel festive, Even bad santa CMT holiday movies go to CMT dot C. A. For schedule details The Cooper Lawrence Show every morning on Long Island one of 6.1 b. l. i. Here's what's coming up next on the Cooper Lawrence show. Now it's time for our Long Island world premiere new music on one oh 6.1 B. L. I. Now it's time for a Long Island World premiere new music on one oh 6.1 bl I now it's time for a Long Island world premiere new music on one oh 6.1 bl I now it's time for a Long Island world premiere new music on one oh 6.1 B. L. I. Now it's time for a Long Island world premiere new music on one oh 6.1 B. L. I. We sold a kidney so you could have a commercial free, our hey, give that back. We didn't say it was our kidney. You're inside the B. L. I. Commercial free commute on the Cooper Lawrence show on one of 6.1 B. L. I. We sold a kidney so you could have a commercial free our, we sold a kidney so you could have a commercial free hour. We sold a kidney so you could have a commercial free hour on one of 6.1 ble.