Classic rock radio demo

Profile photo for Lyndsay King
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A small collection of classic rock radio intro and outros

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North American (General)


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Here's the thing I love about rock n roll. Doesn't matter what kind of day you had. It doesn't matter what kind of move you're in. You can always find something to make you happy. This is one of those songs for me. This is one of those bands for me. Steve Miller Band started in 1967 out of San Francisco, California with Rockin New Baby here on 1049 The Edge and 1049 The edge dot com fighters fly here on one of 4 90 Adam 104 90 edge dot com Front man Dave Girl is an absolute genius. He absolutely is. He's an amazing lyricist. He is an amazing guitar player. Amazing drummer. He steps in for other bands all the time to drum for them and everything like this. And I just can't get enough of the Foo Fighters. I don't know about you, but I love the Foo Fighters. They have never, ever let me down. This band has sold over 50 million records. They've also had 10 albums reached the top 10 including their most recent album that came out in 2006 which hit number four in the U. S. That's right, everybody. I am talking about Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. Don't do me like that here on the Rock Station 10 for nine and one for nine. The edge dot led Zeppelin, formed by Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Paul Jones and John Bonham, a k a. Bonzo Here on the Rock Station one or 49 and 1049 the edge dot com. This song was surrounded by a ton of controversy. When it came out, it was the lead track. On their second album, it became Leonard Skinner. Very first hit Song was actually written during the sessions for the group's first album, but they decided to save it so that they would have a big song toe open with. On their second album from second helping, it's Leonard Skinner. Sweet Home, Alabama, Here on the Rock station, 10491049 She's got a set of pipes on her and rows in front, Woman for Heart with Crazy argue on 1049 The Edge and 1049 the edge dot com. This band I have come to know and love a whole lot because they're from my hometown of Rockford, Illinois. Cheap trick. These guys have been rocking for years and years since 1974 when they first started up. Cheap Trick. Don't be cruel on one or 49 and 1049 the edge dot com Well, you know. Alright, guys. Well, that about does it for me. I'm Lindsay. I'm heading out of here, but I'm gonna leave you with some Stevie Ray Vaughan. He's got 18 albums that have been released in 2003. Rolling Stone magazine ranks Stevie Ray Vaughan as number seven in its list of the 100 Greatest Gets Horace of all time Classic Rock magazine ranked number three in their list of the 100 wildest guitar heroes ever in 2007. He's widely seen as one of the greatest and most influential guitarists of all time. In the song was written for his girlfriend at the time, Stevie Ray Vaughan with pride and joy here on one for nine and 1049 dot com. You guys have a great day. You heard about